Who We Are

We are a Service Disabled, Veteran Owned Small Business. I started this business in the beginning of 2008 with little to no money and little experience. In the beginning we concentrated on decorative iron work, taking whatever we could get. Handrail, gates, Chill water piping and repairs. We dabbled in the natural gas distribution sector with my first clients, who I still do work with today.

As the years passed, we picked up more work in the natural gas sector, did work on cell towers, high rise signs. Later we focused more on the natural gas sector and got away from high angle work.

In 2022 we purchased a natural gas meter repair shop to expand our business and to focus more on the natural gas sector. With our current clients from the welding business, it seemed like a good choice as we already had relationships with a lot of the clients.

Our focus is to deliver a quality final product. From the welds we make to the meters that are repaired. We now focus on the oil and gas industry serving clients across the state. From welding/fabrication to residential and commercial meters, meter sets and regulator stations. We also supply several of our clients with supplies ranging from simple pipe fittings to residential and commercial regulators, fittings and other components they require.